Warden - Fortressmind Bond
The Fortressmind Warden is a psionic warden subclass for KibblesTasty’s Warden, able to turn their mental talents towards the Warden’s role as a defensive powerhouse.
Swashbuckler v0.11 - The Scoundrel!
A villainous swashbuckler who bosses around a crew of ne'er-do-wells to put their enemies down.
Sorcerer - Ironheart Origin
The Ironheart Origin is a sorcerer with a mystic connection to metal - a spellcaster for whom iron and steel can flow like water, responding to a simple touch.
Bard - College of Myth
Speak myths into existence and empower your allies with ancient wisdom!
Warlock - Infernal Engine Patron
Swear a pact to a brutal war machine from the lower planes with the Infernal Engine Patron!
Troubadour - Tradition of the Hellcantor
The Hellcantor is a troubadour touched by infernal power, who can spray hellfire around the battlefield.
Fighter - Houndmaster
The Houndmaster is a warrior who knows the value of a steadfast ally - so well, in fact, that they’ll train those allies up from pups.
Monk - Way of the Rift
The Way of the Rift is a monk whose meditative practice teaches them about the very fabric of the universe - specifically, how to tear that fabric and hurl themselves from one end of the battlefield to the other!
Paladin - Oath of Restlessness
The Oath of Restlessness is for champions of death, twisted paladins whose oath leads them to explore necromantic powers instead of seeking divine favor.
Sorcerer - Ghost-Touched Origin
This is the v1.0 update of my Ghost-Touched Origin, a sorcerer who walks the line between life and death and draws upon deathly energies to fuel their magic.
Druid - Circle of the Sands
The Circle of the Sands is for desert druids, wandering the desolate places of the world and bringing them to life!
Swashbuckler v0.9 - Code of the Inquisitor
Inquisitors are holy swashbucklers, empowered by the divine to seek out their enemies.
Barbarian - Path of the Risen
The Path of the Risen is for barbarians who already died once, and decided it was not to their liking.
Wizard - Order of Ferromancy
The Order of Ferromancy is for wizards devoted to metal magic, creating and shaping metal to control their world!
Rogue - Fencer
The Fencer is an update and improvement on the Swashbuckler rogue; a canny combatant who can dodge attacks for days before driving the blade home!
Sorcerer - Spider-Blooded Origin
A Spider-Blooded sorcerer may be revered, they may be despised, but they are definitely feared. Their specialty is spinning webs (always literal, sometimes metaphorical), poisoning their enemies, and generally lurking just out of sight, waiting to pounce.
Druid - Circle of Consumption
The Circle of Consumption is for druids who are in the process of forgetting how to be human, and only ever want to be a swarm of ravenous insects. Great at parties!
Monk - Way of Predation
The Way of Predation is for monks whose meditative practice has focused on the secrets of undeath, and the power wielded by might vampires.
Species - Spiderfolk
Plenty of people have made spider races before - but none have ever been as adorable, or as quietly dangerous, as this.