Bard - College of Myth
Tamiyo the Moon Sage, by Lius Lasahido
Speak myths into existence and empower your allies with ancient wisdom!
Myth bards are true lorespeakers, delving through archives and translating oral history to harvest every scrap of legend they can find. They believe in the power of myth, and mythic figures, to inspire and guide in the modern day.
Design-wise: This is a soft replacement for the College of Spirits - it uses similar mechanics, with a much more tightly-connected theme, and avoiding that subclass’s mechanical errors. The headline feature is Mythic Tales - prepared epics you can imbue into your allies, granting them powerful abilities they can use instead of a Bardic Inspiration die. Teller of Tales reinforces that you’re a backline caster bard, letting you recover spell slots when an ally calls upon one of your tales. And Mythic Might gives the whole party a variety of boosts, tied again to the use of a Mythic Tale. Relative to the College of Spirits, we don’t have the frustrating randomness, and we don’t have the incorrectly-feature-that-doesn’t-strictly-work.
As always, you're invited to come discuss and offer feedback on Discord!