Sorcerer - Ironheart Origin
Wyleth, Soul of Steel, by Tyler Jacobson
The Ironheart Origin is a sorcerer with a mystic connection to metal - a spellcaster for whom iron and steel can flow like water, responding to a simple touch.
Many folks have created gish sorcerers, but the Ironheart is mine! They're definitely a good fit as war sorcerers - metal spells are dominated by high-damage options, with different added effects depending on the spell. Ironhearts can wade into melee, cleaving into their foes with their Spellbound Steel weapons, and fling molten spikes of iron or steel in between sword blows.
Design-wise: This was a fun one. I knew I wanted it to be a gish - capable in melee and able to alternate sword and spells seamlessly. But it's very easy for sorcerer gishes to be more attractive as dips by paladins than on their own. Metallic Mystic provides some basics and a heavy dose of flavor up-front - tool proficiency, medium armor (no shields), extra hit points, and their "speak to a weapon" ritual. Spellbound Steel defines the playstyle - Ironhearts can conjure any melee weapon and use it for combat. Making this a spell attack, rather than a weapon attack, is key - it means the sorcerer gets to use Charisma for attack and damage, but doesn't enable divine smite on a Charisma-primary sorcadin. Sword and Sorcery enables extra attacks, as well as a relatively cheap (but not free) spell+attack combo. Steel-Edged Spells gives them an incentive to use ferromancy spells, as well as the ability to transmute their damage - why cast a fireball when you could create a blast of steel shards? Quicksteel Coating gives the Ironheart a defensive boost, to help them hold their own in melee even as their AC and hit points are starting to lag behind pretty seriously. And Heart of Iron is a transformation pseudocapstone, granting another attack, boosting damage, and boosting AC.
As always, you're invited to come discuss and offer feedback on Discord!