Warlock - Pact of the Heart
The Pact of the Heart is for warlocks whose patron reaches into their very essence — embedding a piece of the patron's power directly inside the warlock's body.
Rogue - Shadewalker
The Shadewalker is a rogue at one with the darkness - able to move seamlessly through the shadow to strike unseen at their foes.
Fighter - Knight-Abjurer
The Knight-Abjurer is a warrior who learns to supplement their already-impressive defenses with a range of abjuration spells. They're dabblers, but focused ones, intent on becoming indomitable spellswords.
Warlock - Pact of the Aegis
The Pact of the Aegis gives you an empowered and eldritch shield, a gift from your patron to suit a warlock who wades into the fray and stands on the front line.
Way of the Forge
The Way of the Forge is for monks who meditate over the anvil, supplementing their mystical training with the ring of the hammer and the heat of the forge.
Wizard - Order of Diabolists
The Order of Diabolists is for wizards who find the hells seductive and irresistible, but who pursue their studies in a more restrained and orderly fashion than a head-first pact-forging warlock would.
Sorcerer - Beastsouled Origin
The Beastsouled Origin is a sorcerer in tune with nature, whose bloodline has been touched by animal essence and granted them a deep connection to beasts.
Cleric - Spirits Domain
The Spirits Domain is a cleric that tends to the dead, dying, and bereaved — whether by hastening enemies into the grave or keeping allies from it.
Cleric - Wanderlust Domain
The Wanderlust Domain is for itinerant preachers, clerics whose calling is to travel far and wide in service of their deity.
Bard - College of the Quiver
The College of the Quiver is a bard devoted to displays of martial skill, an artist of ranged weaponry whose purpose for being is demonstrating their incredible talent.
Fighter - Knight-Invoker
The Knight-Invoker fighter archetype is a true spellsword, a warrior able to call in powerful evocation magic and alternate spellcasting with empowered blows.
Psion - Illusive Mind
The Illusive Mind is a tricky, deceptive psion subclass, with a new Mesmerism discipline that allows it to plant illusions directly in the minds of others.
Fighter - Knight-Alchemist
The Knight-Alchemist is a fighter who knows their own physical abilities - and has zero compunction about using science to bypass them.
Ranger - Cometcaller Conclave
The Cometcaller ranger is a warrior with a spiritual connection to the heavens.
Warden - Fortressmind Bond
The Fortressmind Warden is a psionic warden subclass for KibblesTasty’s Warden, able to turn their mental talents towards the Warden’s role as a defensive powerhouse.
Sorcerer - Ironheart Origin
The Ironheart Origin is a sorcerer with a mystic connection to metal - a spellcaster for whom iron and steel can flow like water, responding to a simple touch.
Bard - College of Myth
Speak myths into existence and empower your allies with ancient wisdom!
Warlock - Infernal Engine Patron
Swear a pact to a brutal war machine from the lower planes with the Infernal Engine Patron!
Troubadour - Tradition of the Hellcantor
The Hellcantor is a troubadour touched by infernal power, who can spray hellfire around the battlefield.