Cleric - Wanderlust Domain

Far Traveler, by Alix Branwyn

The Wanderlust Domain is for itinerant preachers, clerics whose calling is to travel far and wide in service of their deity.

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The Wanderlust Domain serves the role of a traveling priest, someone with an explicit mission of roaming far and wide - maybe to proselytize, but maybe just to be where their god needs them at any given time.

Design-wise: The spell list here is heavily geared towards utility - usually I try to make them more balanced, but that's pretty tough with this theme. Sanctity of the Road is a nice little speed boost and a flavor feature. Press Onward gives you bonus movement and almost-a-free-disengage whenever you cast a leveled spell. Both of those aim to be in the sweet spot of "interesting, maybe a fun dip, but not wildly powerful". Crushing Fatigue is definitely the most unique piece here - take some exhaustion yourself to give your enemies more. It gets less punishing after 6th level, but early on, you're giving yourself a mild-but-significant penalty in exchange for potentially dropping a bunch of enemies' speeds by half in a way that's very tough to recover from. Travel Companion amps up Press Onward, and turns it into a tool for the whole party, not just yourself. Itinerant Healer gives you better management on your own exhaustion, and potentially gives the party a big boost in forced marches or other tough travel. Potent Spellcasting is table-stakes; in many ways Divine Strike might be a slightly better thematic fit, but armor proficiencies wouldn't be, so cantrip-boost it is. Holy Wanderer, at high levels, gives you a ton of movement power in combat and effectively amps up your channel even more.


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