Warlock - The Unyielding Sun
Sunbond, by Noah Bradley © Wizards of the Coast LLC
Praise the sun! OR ELSE.
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The Unyielding Sun is an inscrutable patron, one that can just as easily channel warmth and love as searing judgement. Maybe it represents a benevolent sun god in your game, or an uncaring cosmic entity. Either way, it'll give you the power to scorch your enemies, blind them, and make them wish they'd raised their arms in praise before it was too late.
Design-wise: I've had the Unyielding Sun in mind for months now, so it flowed pretty well once I got started! It's a solid generalist warlock, able to use all its tools to buff allies, fight at distance, or support itself while wading in with weapons. Punishing Light is a bread-and-butter tool, calling down some radiant damage on targets of your choice. Robed in Gold serves as a standard defensive tool, granting a mild AC boost, situational resistances, and a powerful reaction effect. And yes, you could stack it up on the whole party, if you want to shame your nearest Forge Cleric. Light and Heat lets you adjust damage types for flexibility, and also so you can perform radiant eldritch blasts, because yes. Pitiless Light supplies some scaling for Punishing Light. Radiant Strength is a flexible resistance, which, at this level, is less a part of our power budget than just a needed piece of flavor. And Solar Mantle caps us off with a transformation, blinding anyone with the temerity to attack you. And I rarely do custom invocations, but this subclass really needed a way to cast sunbeam, so Solar Blast shows up too!
As always, you're invited to come discuss and offer feedback on Discord!