Troubadour - Tradition of the Hellcantor
Troubadour - Hellcantor, by Zana Arnautovic
The Troubadour’s v0.9 update added the Tradition of the Hellcantor!
The tradition of the Hellcantor is disfavored for a reason. Hellcantors tap into the power of the lower planes, threading fiendish melodies into their music. Their songs may be discordant or uncannily beautiful, as the situation calls. While some Hellcantors pass along their art through forbidden texts or secret tutelage, others are rumored to cavort with fiendish powers directly, selling their souls in exchange for profane music.
Design-wise: I wanted the Hellcantor to be broad enough to cover the devil-at-the-crossroads trope without being strictly tied to it. Unholy Skill’s the only feature that really strongly leans into that, and sort of gives a player a hook to take their character that direction if they want to. Infernal Melodies is a fun blend of a bane effect and fire damage - both core themes for a devilish character. Hellfire Hora grants your allies retaliatory damage - a good fit, as devils are often associated with spite. Fiendish Flames builds in bonus fire damage, along with the damage-type swap that’s common at 6th. Infernal Hide is your defensive boost, giving access to various lower-planar resistances. Devil’s Bargain was fun to write - it’s always hard to write abilities with compelling drawbacks, but I think this does it, especially if you save it until relatively late in the day and use it at the last encounter or two before your long rest. And Hell’s Temptations is the subclass’s capstone, turning the troubadour into a terrifying charm engine.
As always, you're invited to come discuss and offer feedback on Discord!