subclass, monk somanyrobots subclass, monk somanyrobots

Monk - Way of the Rift

The Way of the Rift is a monk whose meditative practice teaches them about the very fabric of the universe - specifically, how to tear that fabric and hurl themselves from one end of the battlefield to the other!

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subclass, sorcerer somanyrobots subclass, sorcerer somanyrobots

Sorcerer - Spider-Blooded Origin

A Spider-Blooded sorcerer may be revered, they may be despised, but they are definitely feared. Their specialty is spinning webs (always literal, sometimes metaphorical), poisoning their enemies, and generally lurking just out of sight, waiting to pounce.

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subclass, monk somanyrobots subclass, monk somanyrobots

Monk - Way of Progress

The Way of Progress is for monks who've meditated on the ancient ways, and concluded that it's all a bit, well, ancient. You're still perfectly able to use the tools of your more staid brothers and sisters, but you're not afraid to whip out a smoke grenade or shock generator when the situation calls for it.

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subclass, rogue somanyrobots subclass, rogue somanyrobots

Rogue - Rimeblade

Do you wish you could stab people with icicles? shower the battlefield in deadly ice? Or maybe you feel rogues just aren't cool enough? (I'll...just...see myself out.) Time to bring a Rimeblade to the fight!

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