Barbarian - Path of the Tidebringer
Harbinger of the Tides, by Svetlin Velinov
Wouldn't it be nice to live by the sea? Maybe show others how great it is, by making a lot more sea? And if they don't appreciate it? You'll make them appreciate it. Time to walk the Path of the Tidebringer!
Barbarians might walk the path of the Tidebringer for many reasons; noble ones might be protectors of the ocean, while the most brutal might have sworn their souls to some eldritch sea beast. Role-wise, they're big tanky barbarians, like all barbarians, but with a heavy dose of added mobility and control. They can channel the depths when it's time to bring the chill of the deep sea to bear, but their Waves abilities let them surf around the battlefield, slamming their foes to the ground. And when they really need the ocean's waterpower, they can conjure up watery blasts directly.
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