Ruin-Touched Lineage
Nightsquad Commando, by Evyn Fong
The Ruin-Touched lineage is for characters who are blessed by chaos, those imbued with an entropic spark and bearing bad luck onto all they meet.
The Ruin-Touched Linage is a collaboration with idbn, a delightful brewer who's doing a series of great collaborations all month long. The Ruin-Touched Lineage are the basis for a faction of raiders, pirates, and scoundrels, a fleet of outcasts who patrol a terrifying sea and prevent any passage. Ruin-Touched are a fit for my game world, but are pretty easy to slot into any setting. They could be warped by magic, touched by a god of decay, or exposed to a magical catastrophe. They're basically a wild-magic lineage, with less "lolrandom" and more "everything is shit and we will all one day die".
Design-wise: I wanted to create a species option that reflected bad luck, misery, and some (bad) randomness. They inherit size and speed from a parent species - pretty standard for a lineage. Their Shifting Resistance is a nice boost but tough to build around or exploit. They get to cast bane for free and have a boost for destroying objects. In an actually-balanced version of magic resistance, they get to use it just a few times per day. They get a small feature menu, to represent the variation inherent in a lineage created by magical decay. And they get to afflict everyone around them with terrible luck, exempting just a few key allies.
Come talk about it on Discord!