Monk - Way of Progress
Way of Progress, by Kassini Ilustra
The Way of Progress is for monks who've meditated on the ancient ways, and concluded that it's all a bit, well, ancient. You're still perfectly able to use the tools of your more staid brothers and sisters, but you're not afraid to whip out a smoke grenade or shock generator when the situation calls for it.
Role-wise, Progress monks are very flexible, as befits their gadget theme. In general, their options tend to skew defensive, which lets them lean into the monk's classic skirmisher role. But you can build them as grapplers, pure punching machines, or any sort of hybrid, based on your gadget selections. They do tend to be ki-hungry regardless of your choices, that's something I've got my eye on for play reports.
Design-wise: The idea here was a pretty straightforward "monk with a dash of artificer". The theme of a monk who meditates through technology was easy to find, and then the work was just a matter of coming up with the gadgets and trying to make them balanced against one another.